Van Jones Goes Bye Bye
It’s obvious that the Republican side of the political world isn’t going to let anyone from the left verbally abuse them without being held accountable. The controversial Van Jones pulled his foot out of his mouth long enough to type his email resignation last night. This, in some ways, shocked the current administration but was probably inevitable considering the amount of news airtime this was receiving and the public backlash in the wake of all the town hall debauchery. Republicans may very well be ‘assholes’ (as referred to by Jones) but we surely don’t need one of Barack’s cronies to remind us of that. You would think by now that these proposed cabinet people will be researched and scrutinized beyond the normal scope by the opposing party in order to find just such video and sound blurbs that can be used precisely for this purpose…discrediting them via the media to have them evicted. Like, get a clue!